What Gets You Out of Bed?

Why do you get out of bed every day? Do you wake up in excitement of moving closer toward your goals or do you wake up frustrated and tired of the routine you find yourself in? Or, honestly, the routine you’ve built for yourself? After all, everything is a choice.

While sharing a bit of my story recently with an audience of folks engaged with the clinical packaging side of clinical trials, I veered a bit from the notes I had prepared.

One of the recurring themes throughout my talk and some of the others involved, was contemplating the question of “Why?” Why do you get out of bed every day? Why do you do what you do? What prize(s) do you have your eye on? I believe our outlook on life will always be bleak unless we have our eyes set on something we find important. If we don’t have goals related to our personal pursuits, it will always be easy to feel like we’re stuck in a rut. Every day will feel like a dead end.

What gets you out of bed every day? Of course, the end-goal might change overtime, but if you aren’t rooted in a specific cause that’s important to you, any draft of wind will distract you, deter you, disappoint you and ultimately give way to a life that is less impactful than you were created to be. Your goals should change and adjust over the years – but you should always know exactly what you are working towards.

“Never underestimate the power of your dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us.”

-Wilma Rudolph, Gold & Bronze Medalist

Do you know what you are working towards? Dave Ramsey tells us that goals must be specific! So I caution you, don’t simply say you want to be “successful.” Know what “successful” looks like for YOU. If you know what you want, you can identify the disciplines necessary to achieve or accomplish. Once those disciplines are identified, of course, you can get the right stuff done! Knowing what you need to do every day to move closer to what’s important to you will certainly make it easier to get out of bed.

So, tell me, what is something that gets you out of bed every day?